Alexander Goudie - Ceramics

Alexander Goudie was chosen to revive the tradition of creative collaboration between artists and the famous ceramic ‘fainceries’ of Quimper. The resulting series of ceramic sculptures depicting ‘Breton types’, bear testament to a way of life that had all but vanished at the end of the 20th century. These works were produced by and are exhibited in the Musée de la Faïence, Quimper.

La Goémonière (1996)
50x32x24 cm Ceramic
Produced by the Musée de la Faïence
Bigoudène en prière (1996)
41x26x20 cm Ceramic
Produced by the Musée de la Faïence
Le Marin (1996)
47x33x30 cm Ceramic
Produced by the Musée de la Faïence